About Us

The SRRA is one of Canada’s oldest ratepayer groups and certainly one of the most active and influential. Formally incorporated in 1931, the Association is committed to providing South Rosedale’s residents with a strong voice relative to the area’s unique position as one of Toronto’s most desirable residential communities.
The Association Board and dedicated volunteers remain proactive in functional areas which impact South Rosedale including: Green space such as trees, parks and ravines; both commercial and residential development and the resulting Committee of Adjustment and Ontario Municipal Board hearings; policing and neighbourhood security issues; roads and traffic, and heritage matters as they relate to South Rosedale being a designated Heritage District.
Our Electronic Communications With Residents of South Rosedale
To enhance the speed and reduce the cost and environmental impact of communicating with SRRA members and residents, the SRRA is expanding the use of e-mail communication.
Here are the sorts of e-mail communications that the SRRA would be sending out to its members:
- our periodic newsletters;
- notices of upcoming events or matters of interest to you;
- replies to your e-mails to us; and
- e-mails relating to joining the SRRA or renewing your membership.