South Rosedale
If you are contemplating making changes in property that are the subject of any City by-laws, The South Rosedale Ratepayers’ Association may be able to advise you on the process once you have developed a concept and a preliminary design.
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The SRRA is one of Canada’s oldest ratepayer groups and certainly one of the most active and influential. Formally incorporated in 1931, the Association is committed to providing South Rosedale’s residents with a strong voice relative to the area’s unique position as one of Toronto’s most desirable residential communities.
The Association Board and dedicated volunteers remain proactive in functional areas which impact South Rosedale including: Green space such as trees, parks and ravines;
Our Initiatives
In 2009, the City of Toronto commissioned a survey asking City residents if they wanted separated bicycle lanes on roads.
Planning And Development
In 2009, the City of Toronto commissioned a survey asking City residents if they wanted separated bicycle lanes on roads.
Dale Ave. Development Proposal
Below you will find links to a number of documents related to the Dale Ave. condominium development proposal.
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SRRA Membership
Join the SRRA today to become a member of an association committed to providing South Rosedale’s residents with a strong voice relative to the area’s unique position as one of Toronto’s most desirable residential communities.