A public meeting relating to the proposed development at Scrivener Square has been scheduled by the City of Toronto on November 27, 2017. The community consultation will be held in the evening at a time to be confirmed, at Stone Church, 45 Davenport Road. Before the Scrivener Square properties were sold to the current developer,…
SRRA Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of SRRA members will be held at 6:30 p.m., Nov. 29, 2017, at the Toronto Lawn Tennis Club. Additional information will follow.
Townhall: Teen Safety, Social Media And Parties – Risks & Responses
Our local Residence Associations have banded forces with 54 Division to present a panel of experts to discuss Teen Safety, Social Media, parties and the risk and responses. We have been very fortunate to confirm the following panel of experts to provide all of us with the opportunity to listen, learn and ask questions surrounding…
Community meeting on proposed Dale Ave. condominium development – Nov. 6
To all members of the South Rosedale Residents’ Association (SRRA): The SRRA will host a community meeting on Monday, Nov. 6, 2017 to review and discuss the proposed condominium development at 5-9 Dale Ave. The meeting will be held from 7-9 p.m. at the Church of St. Simon-the-Apostle, 525 Bloor St. E. The purpose of the…
Glen Road Pedestrian Bridge & Tunnel: Public Consultation
The Glen Road Pedestrian Bridge is deteriorating and is in need of major improvements. The City’s Transportation Services Division has undertaken a study to identify options to address the deteriorating condition of the Glen Road Pedestrian Bridge spanning Rosedale Valley Road, and the adjoining pedestrian tunnel that connects to the north and south sides of…
SRRA Board Motion re: Dale Development Proposal
Whereas in November 2016, the SRRA Board unanimously approved a Statement of Principles on the proposed development at 5-9 Dale Ave. calling for “a robust consultation process over the next year,” and undertook “to communicate on a clear and timely basis with the South Rosedale community regarding these matters through postings on its website, email…
SRRA AGM — Focus on Community Concerns about Proposed Development at 5, 7, 9 Dale Avenue
On November 17, 2016 the South Rosedale Residents’ Association (SRRA) held its Annual General Meeting at the Toronto Lawn Tennis Club. There was an unusually large crowd in attendance, many of whom were supporters of the MyRosedaleNeighbourhood petition opposing the proposed Dale Avenue development, the details of which were filed with the City of Toronto…
SRRA Statement of Principles Regarding Proposed Development at 5, 7, 9 Dale Avenue
In its Preliminary Report dated September 15, 2016, the City of Toronto Planning Division identified numerous unresolved issues of concern regarding the proposed condominium development at 5, 7 and 9 Dale Avenue (the “Development”).
November 19 Community Workshop on Rail Safety
Safe Rail Communities will be holding A Community Workshop: Rail Safety & Emergency Preparedness on November 19 from 1 to 5 PM. The goal of the event is to allow participants to collaboratively discuss the resources that are needed for the safety of their neighbourhood.
November 22 Community Consultation Meeting re Proposed Development at 5, 7, 9 Dale Avenue
A community consultation meeting regarding the proposed development at 5, 7, 9 Dale Avenue will take place from 7 to 9 PM on November 22 at St. Simon-the-Apostle Church at 525 Bloor St. East.