Annual General Meeting And Town Hall
South Rosedale Residents Association
Wednesday, November 29th 2023
At: Toronto Lawn Tennis Club, 44 Price Street, M4W 1Z4
6.15-7pm Member registration
7-7.30pm AGM (SRRA members only)
7.30pm Town Hall Meeting (all residents welcome)
Town Hall Meeting:
Crime Prevention and Auto Theft
With special guest speakers:
Sergeant Colin Anderson &
Constable Julian Herzberg 53 Division
Councillor Dianne Saxe will be in attendance
all residents welcome
Business to be conducted will include the report of the President on behalf of the Board of Directors; consideration of the SRRA’s financial statements for the fiscal years ended October 31, 2022 and October 31, 2023; appointment of auditors; the election of Directors and other business that may be brought before the AGM.
Members attending the AGM who have not yet paid the membership fees for the fiscal period ended October 31, 2023 are required to remit payment prior to the AGM or at the door.
Members are entitled to appoint, by written proxy, another member or a non-member to exercise the voting rights of the member. A proxy must be deposited with the Secretary of the AGM before the AGM commences. A form of proxy is included below.
Nominations for the election of directors, other than those proposed by the Nominating Committee, must be received via email at prior to the AGM.
Janice Lo & Umesh Jain, Presidents SRRA
Membership Matters!
The SRRA works hard to protect and enhance South Rosedale as a great place to live. Through actions large and small, we protect the heritage character of our neighbourhood, enhance its parks and ravines, manage traffic, parking and security issues, and much more.
To do all this, we need your financial support. You can help us by ensuring you take out or renew your annual membership of $100 for 1 year or $250 for 3 years.
To join or to pay your dues, please visit our website and click on “SRRA Annual Membership” – now offering a credit card payment option in addition to e-transfer or cheque.