In its Preliminary Report dated September 15, 2016, the City of Toronto Planning Division identified numerous unresolved issues of concern regarding the proposed condominium development at 5, 7 and 9 Dale Avenue (the “Development”). These include:
- Conformity with the Official Plan policies and development criteria for Neighbourhoods and OPA 320;
- Compatibility with the surrounding neighbourhood land uses;
- Whether the Heritage Impact Statement sufficiently addresses heritage concerns associated with the site and whether any on-site conservation of heritage resources is required;
- Appropriateness of demolishing three contributing buildings within the Heritage Conservation District;
- Appropriateness of the proposed built form siting, height and massing;
- Proposed public realm and the relationship of the building at grade;
- Landscaping and lighting features;
- Appropriateness of the proposed tree protection and tree removal on the tableland and ravine edge;
- Adequacy and suitability of the amount and location of the proposed indoor and outdoor amenity space;
- Adequacy of the proposed vehicular parking supply and whether the proposed vehicular access is appropriate;
- Adequacy of the proposed loading space to service the Development and whether the access to this space is appropriate;
- Supply and location of proposed bicycle parking spaces;
- Capacity of existing servicing to accommodate the proposed Development;
- Compliance to the TGS Tier 1 performance measures; and
- Confirmation that the proposed Official Plan Amendment is appropriate and maintains the intent of the Natural Environment policies.
Furthermore, the City noted that additional issues may be identified through the review of the Development application, agency comments and the community consultation process.
The proposed Development and the above issues have generated significant concerns and interest within the South Rosedale Community.
The South Rosedale Residents’ Association (“SRRA”) Board of Directors shares many of the concerns expressed by the City Planning Division and the Community. There are many outstanding issues that require further review and resolution. Accordingly, the SRRA has not supported, and does not support, the proposed Development in its current form. In addition, the SRRA intends to do everything possible — whatever form the proposed Development may ultimately take — to ensure that appropriate protections are in place to avoid any implication that redevelopment of this unique site sets any kind of general precedent for South Rosedale or the surrounding residential areas.
The SRRA Board has established an internal subcommittee to focus on the proposed Development. The Board, and specifically the subcommittee, has and continues to obtain feedback from the Community and conduct due diligence regarding the key issues, and will obtain appropriate professional advice as required. The SRRA intends to actively participate in the planning process for the Development, prior to the final City Planning Report, which the City has indicated it will issue in late 2017. This approach is consistent with the leadership role the SRRA has taken historically on both major and minor development matters within and on the borders of South Rosedale, as well as the initiation of the process and the commissioning of the Heritage Study which resulted in the designation of South Rosedale as a Heritage Conservation District.
The next formal step in the planning process is a Community Consultation Meeting scheduled for 7:00 PM on November 22, 2016 at St. Simon-the-Apostle Church, 525 Bloor Street East. This is an important meeting and the SRRA encourages all interested South Rosedale residents to attend.
The SRRA expects that this public meeting will be the start of a robust consultation process over the next year, and will actively advocate for such a process. The SRRA hopes that this process will lead to a reasonable outcome that meets the needs and wishes of the South Rosedale Community and all concerned parties, and that it will avoid the need for a potentially protracted and costly Ontario Municipal Board hearing regarding the Development.
The SRRA will continue to communicate on a clear and timely basis with the South Rosedale Community regarding these matters through postings on its website, email blasts, periodic Newsletters and other communications, as may be warranted.
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