Please see below the notice from the City regarding an information session about the Glen Road Footbridge to be held at St. Paul’s Church on Wednesday September 28.

Glen Road Pedestrian Bridge
Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study Notice of Study Commencement and Public Information Centre #1
We invite you to attend a Public Information Centre (PIC) to learn about the City’s study, the work completed to date and the next steps in this process. Details are as follows:
Date: Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Time: Drop-in anytime from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: St. Paul’s Church, Cody Hall. 227 Bloor St. E, Toronto
You can also view the display materials and provide feedback online now at:
The Glen Road Pedestrian Bridge is deteriorating and is in need of major improvements. This Environmental Assessment (EA) study will assess the existing conditions, identify alternatives, and recommend a preferred solution, which may include proposing a new bridge design. Consultation with the public will be an important part of the EA study process.
For over 130 years, Glen Road has had a bridge over Rosedale Valley, connecting the community of Rosedale to the city. This study respects the importance of this historic connection and will give appropriate consideration to the cultural heritage value of the bridge structure.
This pedestrian-only structure between Sherbourne Street and Parliament Street, spanning the Rosedale Valley, provides a north-south connection from the north side of Bloor Street East to the intersection of Glen Road and Dale Avenue. Previous routine bridge rehabilitation was completed in 2001. Emergency repairs on the structure were completed in early 2015, with ongoing annual inspections to ensure the safety of the bridge. The completion of the repairs in 2015 has extended the time frame to undertake this Municipal Class EA study, which will determine the future of the bridge.
The Process
The study is being carried out as a Municipal Class EA Study (Schedule C). The MCEA process, an approved planning process under the OntarioEnvironmental Assessment Act, includes identifying the problem and opportunity to be addressed, developing and evaluating alternative solutions and design concepts, assessing impacts and identifying mitigation measures and providing opportunities for public input. An Environmental Study Report will be prepared at the end of the process, in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Class EA process.
We would like to hear from you
Public consultation is an important part of this study. For more information or to be placed on the study mailing list, please contact us or visit the project web page:
Jason Diceman
Sr. Public Consultation Coordinator
Public Consultation Unit, PPF&A
City of Toronto, Metro Hall, 19th Fl., 55 John St.
Toronto, ON M5V 3C6
Tel: 416-338-2830 Fax: 416-392-2974 TTY: 416-338-0889
Information will be collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, comments will become part of the public record. Issued September 15, 2016