Business to be conducted at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) will include the report of the President on behalf of the Board of Directors; the report of the Treasurer and consideration of the SRRA’s financial statements for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2018; the appointment of auditors; the report of the Nominating Committee; the election of directors to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors and such other matters of business that may be brought before the AGM.
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Election of Directors
Nominations for the election of directors are now closed, in accordance with the SRRA bylaw.
An election will be held at the AGM to fill four Director positions. Members nominated as of the close of nominations are:
- Don Hogarth (current Director)
- Judy Kan (new director; member of SRRA Scrivener Development Subcommittee)
- Alex Murray (current Director)
- Sandi Wilder (new director)
Click here to view biographies of Judy Kan and Sandi Wilder.
Members are entitled to appoint, by written proxy, another member, or a non-member to exercise the voting rights of the member, with or without restriction. A proxy must be deposited with the Secretary of the AGM prior to the commencement of the AGM. A form of proxy can be downloaded by clicking here.