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Proposed Development at 5, 7, 9 Dale Avenue

Categories: News

dale-watercolourA developer is proposing to construct a residential condominium building on the three properties at 5, 7 and 9 Dale Avenue, on the south side of Dale Avenue, east of the Glen Road Footbridge.

The proposed development consists of a 4-storey building with a rooftop mechanical level, and 26 residential units with a floor area of approx. 95,000 square feet and 58 underground parking spaces.

The South Rosedale Residents’ Association Board is currently considering the proposal and its implications for immediate neighbours and for the neighbourhood as a whole. The Board is gathering input from the community, especially homeowners who live near the proposed development, and is reviewing the City Planning Division’s preliminary report.

The City will schedule a community consultation during the fourth quarter of 2016. SRRA will notify members of the meeting via email and web posting.

Further information regarding the proposed development can be found here.

Among the preliminary issues identified in the City Planning Division’s report are:

– Conformity with the Official Plan policies and development criteria for Neighbourhoods and OPA 320;
– Compatibility with the surrounding neighbourhood land uses;
– Whether the Heritage Impact Statement sufficiently addresses heritage concerns associated with the site and whether any on-site conservation of heritage resources is required;
– Appropriateness of demolishing three contributing buildings within the Heritage Conservation District;
– Appropriateness of the proposed built form siting, height and massing;
– Proposed public realm and the relationship of the building at grade;
– Adequacy of the proposed vehicular parking supply and whether the proposed vehicular access is appropriate;
– Adequacy of the proposed loading space to service the development and whether the access to this space is appropriate;
– Confirmation that the proposed Official Plan Amendment is appropriate and maintains the intent of the Natural Environment policies.